Iconovo provides increased opportunities for customers in its Novel Pharmaceuticals business segment to finance innovative development projects
Iconovo AB (publ), which develops complete inhalation products for a global market, today announces that the company strengthens its customer offering in the Novel Pharmaceuticals business segment by the launch of Iconovo Accelerator Program – a structured approach for pharmaceutical companies to obtain non-dilutive funding of commercially attractive projects. This is made possible through a newly established collaboration with the consulting firm Argentum, which specializes in structuring and managing application processes for EU funding and has so far helped secure over SEK 20 billion in research and development funding for its clients. The purpose of Iconovo Accelerator Program is to finance projects that are to a significant extent performed by Iconovo, which in turn can contribute to an increased earnings capacity for the company. Sales of medicines and vaccines for diseases where inhalers can provide significant benefits amount to almost USD 100 billion. Asthma, COPD, pulmonary hypertension and several types of vaccinations are some examples. Iconovo has already established four collaboration agreements in the Novel Pharmaceutical business segment, where it assists R&D-driven pharmaceutical companies in the development of completely new treatments based on the company's unique proprietary inhalers.
Carl Lindgren ny styrelseledamot i Iconovo
Iconovo AB (publ), som utvecklar kompletta inhalationsprodukter för en global marknad, meddelar idag att bolaget i samband med årsstämman förstärkt styrelsen med Carl Lindgren. Carl Lindgren har lång och bred internationell, kommersiell erfarenhet från olika ledande positioner inom life science-branschen, bland annat från bolag som Karo Healthcare, Lundbeck och AstraZeneca.
Carl Lindgren new board member of Iconovo
Iconovo AB (publ), which develops complete inhalation products for a global market, today announces that the company, at the Annual General Meeting has strengthened the Board of Directors with Carl Lindgren. Carl Lindgren has extensive and broad international, commercial experience from various leading positions in the life science industry, including companies such as Karo Healthcare, Lundbeck and AstraZeneca.
Iconovo inleder strukturerad process för utlicensiering av ICOpre i samarbete med global investmentbank
Iconovo AB (publ), som utvecklar kompletta inhalationsprodukter för en global marknad, meddelar idag att man har anlitat den globala investmentbanken Stifel för att leda en strukturerad process i syfte att utlicensiera sin egenutvecklade förfyllda inhalator ICOpre®. Iconovo har sedan tidigare annonserat att förhandlingar pågår med ett icke namngivet läkemedelsföretag om ett potentiellt licensavtal för ICOpre®. Mot bakgrund av ett ökat intresse för inhalatorplattformen från andra läkemedelsföretag kommer Stifel nu att leda den fortsatta utlicensieringsprocessen för att maximera det kommersiella värdet av ett framtida avtal.
Iconovo initiates structured process for out-licensing of ICOpre with a global investment bank
Iconovo AB (publ), which develops complete inhalation products for a global market, today announces that it has engaged the global investment bank Stifel to lead a structured process to out-license its proprietary pre-filled inhaler ICOpre®. Iconovo has previously announced that negotiations are ongoing with an unnamed pharmaceutical company regarding a potential license agreement for ICOpre®. In light of increased interest in the inhaler platform from other pharmaceutical companies, Stifel will now lead the continued out-licensing process to maximize the commercial value of a future agreement.
Iconovos partner, Monash University har inlett en klinisk fas I-studie av inhalerat oxytocin i ICOone®
Iconovo AB (publ), som utvecklar kompletta inhalationsprodukter för en global marknad, meddelar idag att en klinisk fas I-studie av inhalerat oxytocin i ICOone® har inletts i Melbourne, Australien. Studien är en del av det tidigare meddelade samarbetet mellan Iconovo och Monash University.
Iconovo’s partner Monash University has initiated a phase I clinical trial on inhaled oxytocin in ICOone®
Iconovo AB (publ), that develops complete inhalation products for a global market, today announces that a phase I clinical trial of inhaled oxytocin in ICOone® has been initiated in Melbourne, Australia. The study is part of the previously announced collaboration between Iconovo and Monash University.
Iconovo receives new patent in Japan for its ICOone® inhaler platform
Iconovo AB (publ), which develops complete inhalation products for a global market, today announces that the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) has issued a Notice of Allowance for yet another patent pertaining to ICOone® – an innovative inhaler platform that enables easy and cost-effective administration of vaccines and biologics. Iconovo is already running several development projects based on ICOone®, one of which is financially supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Iconovo erhåller nytt patent i Japan för sin inhalatorplattform ICOone®
Iconovo AB (publ), som utvecklar kompletta inhalationsprodukter för en global marknad, meddelar idag att den japanska patentmyndigheten JPO har lämnat ett förhandsgodkännande (Notice of Allowance) av ytterligare ett patent för ICOone® – en innovativ inhalatorplattform som möjliggör enkel och kostnadseffektiv administrering av vacciner och biologiska läkemedel. Iconovo driver redan flera utvecklingsprojekt baserade på ICOone, varav ett med finansiellt stöd från Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Iconovo to evaluate ICOone Nasal for the development of antiviral nasal inhalation product
Iconovo AB (publ), which develops complete inhalation products for a global market announced today that it has reached an agreement with ENA Respiratory Pty Ltd to evaluate ICOone® Nasal for delivering INNA-051, a first-in-class, broad-spectrum, innate immunomodulator in development for the prophylaxis of complications associated with respiratory viral infections. Iconovo is entitled to step-by-step development service fees at a total value of up to SEK 0.9 million over the coming four months, whereafter further development work will be discussed.