Nomination Committee appointed at Iconovo

At the Annual General Meeting of 8 May 2020, it was resolved that Iconovo shall have a Nomination Committee consisting of four members representing the four largest shareholders as of 30 September 2020.

 The Nomination Committee for the 2021 Annual General Meetings consists of:

Mats Johansson;

Hans Karlsson Höiden, appointed by Orest Lastow;

Stefan Berger, appointed by Eiffel Investment Group;

Johan Lundgren, Chair of the Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee’s overarching responsibility for the 2021 Annual General Meeting is to present suitable candidates for the positions of Board Chair, Board members and auditor (s) of the Company, and to propose their remuneration.

 The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals in the following matters to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for decision:

proposal for Chair of the AGM,

proposal for the number of AGM-elected Board members and, where applicable, number of auditors,

proposal for remuneration to non-employed members of the Board and to non-employed members of the various committees of the Board,

proposal for remuneration to the auditors,

proposals for election of Board Chair, other members of the Board and, where applicable, auditors,

proposals for guidelines for appointing members to the Nomination Committee and for the Nomination Committee’s assignments,

proposal for remuneration to the members of the Nomination Committee.


Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can contact the Nomination Committee by email at

In order for the Nomination Committee to process received proposals with sufficient care, these should be received by the Nomination Committee by 1 March 2021.